Friday, March 20, 2009

Workshop analysis feedback

I have attended some workshops in SL for the first time in my life. Some time before, I didn't know even what Second life means. I knew things about ICT and how to integrate it for educational purposes, but using virtual worlds such as Second life is what I used to ignore. I have discovered through the workshops I attended its great importance and effectiveness.
However, giving a workshop is not an easy task. It needs much preparation and planning and the more your are skillful in using Second life features, the more the task becomes easier. So I find that the degree of the effectiveness of a workshop you deliver is related to the mastery of the big number of facilities Second life offers. Or am I wrong?
My comments are about three workshops I attended.
* The first was a 1 hour workshop on Feb 10th, 2009 at 17:00 CET in MUVEnation sandbox. It was titled "Builder Buddy: Support" and was given by Melanie Rubenbauer.
* The second was in NCI class entitled: "Building 1- Basics" on Feb 10th, 2009 at 17:00 SLT. The duration was 1 hour and 30 min. The instructor was Protomas Auditorium.
* The third was given by Morgen String and was titled: "How to create a word grid and a drop box". It was 1 hour workshop in the instructor platform in MUVEnation on Feb 15th, 2009 at 02:00 SLT.
'Planning and preparation of the instruction':
For "Building Buddy: Support" workshop, there was no special setting. It took place in MUVEnation sandbox. However, for the two other workshops, they instructor had already prepared a special setting; one is different from the other but they both opt for making their platforms well-decorated. In NCI class, even the instructor outfit was special and was dressed in a magnificent way. She also made use of pre-prepared slides illustrating her instructions and activities step by step and a box from where the participants can get a note card containing all the instructions.
For all the workshops, the instructions were prepared an well-structured. The objectives were clear and were shared with the participants before starting to perform the activities. The participants knew what they had to do from the beginning. So, the objectives of the workshops were respectively as follows: working with builder's buddy base script and component script to build blocks by inter-related prims, using in-world stools to objects, the snowman a case in point and using word grid and a drop box to teach vocabulary.
'Delivery of the instruction':
These workshops didn't require any second life skills. They were mainly devoted for beginners. To achieve their goals, the instructors have prepared the instructions and have got some pre-prepared tools they either show to facilitate the job for them or send the participants some note cards containing instructions or materials the participants will need to use later. In the case of the NCI class, the tutor made use of some slides that visually illustrate her instructions. The conversation flow was often smooth. The nature of the workshops necessitates to be instructor-dominated conversation. The tutor gives instructions and the participants follow by performing the tasks. However, interactions are always welcomed and they often happen when the participants have questions or ask for clarifications.
The instructions used were text chat and sometimes are facilitating tools accompany the instructions for example slides, pictures, note cards, performance demonstrations...
The instructions were always directive. The objectives were set before starting the performance. So, the focus was on the rules and the procedure to get exact outcomes. The instructions functioned then to get to the result through giving clear and step-by-step commends.
‘Recall and transfer of learning’:
Sometimes the instructions were pre-prepared and the tutor use "speakme" tool to pass them to the participants, other times, the instructors tend to type their commends. The pace was fine, but when the participants feel the instructions quick or unclear, they ask the tutor to slow down or give more clarification. In the case of NCI class, the participants got note cards containing all the instructions and the visual aids for future use. In the case of "builder Buddy" workshop, the participants got materials needed for the performance. They were note cards; one was about the instruction and the two others were two scripts necessary for linking components prims to the base one. On the other hand, no after session activities were planned, but I think participants would try the activities by themselves if interested.
'follow up and evaluation':
The tutor in all the workshops didn't let the participants struggle alone, but they always interfere whenever they see someone was having problems. They all used to give their observations and ask to correct the mistakes by reformulating the instructions and give further clarifications. One thing that I like in all of them is their patience. They were all patient and helpful. When the work was done correctly, they also give their approval and encouragement.
I have personally learned a lot from these people and many others. Thanks to all of them. In fact, I have found out that I always learn new things whenever I get connected to second life.

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