Friday, January 16, 2009

Reflection on Beech sub-group collaboration

Deviding groups into sub-groups was meant to provide more comfortable room for more fruitful collaboration. However, I didn't see that we managed to get it through successfully. Some didn't show up at all and some others posted once or twice. I needed someone to work with especially that I had many questions to ask, but if we just have a look at the history of the postings that exists in our wiki page, we'd find out that some more committment and seriousness are needed. So, how can objectives be attained if we have never met? And how collaborative work could be done if we are all absent?
I waited for a long time and posted messages to the participants, but I didn't much feedback. I even sent private messages to their email boxes, but always in vain. That's why I sent a message to both Mr. Nick Kearney and Ms. Margarita Perez-Garcia asking for pzermission to work with Mr. Abdessalam Zouita. He's a person I know. In fact he's my friend and we live in the same city. We are in frequent contact with each other and I tought we could make it successful. At last, we've managed to do the activities together.
So, we decided to discover as many in-world educatinal places as we can and give a short description for each. We met each other in-world and discovered many places together. We exchaged ideas and benefited from eac other through sharing ideas and in-world problem solving experiences. Afterwards, our travel guide was made up of the places we discovered and got some information about.
Through participation and collaboration I personally managed to get alot of new things not only in the third section of module 1, but throughout all the activities of the muvenation course. If we had had chance to get the other participants involved, we would surely have learned more.
Another thing I'd like to mention is that the period of the holidays has brought some demotivation because it was too long. What do you think?

Second Life Educational Travel Guide

Education Travel Guide:

Doing the activities of section 3, module 1, our group has decided to explore educational places interested in teaching and learning languages, namely English as a second or a foreign language. We have managed to visit and get information about many places. For some guidance to anyone who would like to visit these places, we have decided to classify them into two main categories and give some information about everyone of them.
I . Public Regions.
II. Private Regions.

I. Public Regions:

If you want to learn or improve your English and you are looking for free places in Second Life, you can find the following ones very interesting:

1. Virtlantis: A region for learning languages. English language is one of these languages that one can learn there. It a nice place. Well designed and motivating through the use of different tools, activities and games.

2. Manchester Gallery: A nice place where a lot of beautiful and great art works and artists are exposed. The masterpieces are of different art types; ranging from painting to clothing...

3. Teachers TV: Two large rooms Education UK devoted to Teachers TV. As is the case of Teachers TV channel, the region is specialised in promoting education in general.

4. Education Island UK Office: This is where you can get orientation and information about the different places of Education UK is second life.

5. The British Literature Classroom: This is a place where you can learn about the British literature from the shakespearian age to now. Learners can get into assignments by just clicking on the picture of the chosen artistic work. It is a place where you can learn about a lot of well known English masterpieces.

II. Private Regions:

Language Lab: A region with teachers and over a 100 English classes and English courses to choose from with small class sizes. It offers a variety of choices.

8. English Language School: A school to practice and learn English. Qualified teachers and over a 100 English classes and English courses to choose from.

9. Matamata: Home of DRIVE-THROUGH ESL: A region to learn English for different purposes. Classes are for different levels. You need to pay to have access and take courses.

10. Instituto Espanol: A place to teach and learn Spanish for non-native speakers. There different classes for different levels. Course are not free.